大跨隔震结构多点地震计算模型的几点注记作者: 国巍, 余志武, 柳国环, 田利 |
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2013 年10 月
摘要:为避免震害损失,大跨度结构的各支座常采用隔震支座,而隔震工况下的多点地震计算模型可能存在一定误差,本文意在阐明其误差根源并加以解决.首先给出了可用于大跨隔震结构多点地震响应分析的主要计算模型,采用严格理论推导探讨了各模型计算机理的异同和特色,并着重强调了位移模型的理论缺陷和误差,指出位移模型在大跨隔震结构中的盲目应用会导致严重错误,进而提出了实用有效的修正方法和理论依据.最后,以多自由度简化模型和机场维修机库大跨网架实际结构为例,对本文所提观点和建议进行了数值验证,证明了SAP2000内置位移模型在多点地震响应计算中的有效性 关键词:大跨隔震结构;多点地震;计算模型;位移模型;阻尼;误差 中图分类号:P 311.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0367-6234(2013)10-- Abstract:Long-span structures such as sport stadiums, exhibition centers and so on are usually subjected to multi-point earthquake excitations on their supports, and isolation techniques are often adopted to prevent earthquake damage and loss, then there may exist some obvious error in these long-span isolated structures' seismic responses calculated by multi-point earthquake calculation models. In this paper error reasons and corresponding solution methods are given. Firstly, several main calculation models for seismic analysis of long-span isolated structures under multi-point earthquake excitations are described, and their mechanisms and features are also explained by rigorous theoretical derivation. Furthermore, theoretical defects and error of displacement model are especially pointed out, which would lead to wrong results if arbitrarily utilized in long-span isolated structures. Then some modification and theoretical basis are given. Finally, a multiple degrees of freedom simple model and a real long-span space truss structure of hangar are given as numerical example, and viewpoints and suggestions in this paper are verified, and displacement mode inherent in SAP2000 software is applicable in seismic response calculation of structure under multi-point earthquake excitations. Key words:long-span isolated structure; multi-point earthquake excitation; calculation model; displacement model; damping; error 引言
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