地震弹塑性(III):多点地震动作用下输电塔-线体系的弹塑性与倒塌分析作者: 柳国环,练继建,孙雪艳,国巍 |
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摘要:首先,建立主塔高375m、主跨2756m的大跨越输电塔-线体系SAP2000有限元模型,采用第II部分工作(文献[1])开发的接口程序SAP2ABAQUS生成为ABAQUS有限元模型。然后,明确给出长周期显式动力加载法实现重力作用下静力效果的加载过程,以完成的重力作用下索找形和初始刚度施加,最终实现重力分析与后续地震激励下动力加载的续接。进而,分别计算四类边界条件的结构体系的动力特性,并通过对转化前后模型的构件与结构模态分别进行对比,从而考察SAP2ABAQUS接口程序的转化精度。此外,更新升级自主开发的MEMS_b V2012.8 (Multiple Earthquake Motion Simulation_b Version 2012.8)至MEMS_b V2013.5,并生成多点地震动。最后,通过ABAQUS主程序链接第I部分工作(文献[2])中开发的子程序进行弹塑性和倒塌分析,考虑大变形和差动输入。结果表明:(1)从实际工程角度验证了所开发接口程序SAP2ABAQUS的转化准确性与高效性。(2)从实际工程角度验证了所开发子程序的可行性与现实可靠性。(3)长周期动力加载法实现静力重力加载过程,理论严格合理、现实可行,克服了隐式静力重力方式加载与显式动力分析不续接问题。(4)从模态与理论分析两方面说明以四塔三线体系作为研究对象的必要性和可信性。(5)地震动的一致与差动输入对于构件塑性铰的出现与发展分布有显著影响,进一步说明多点地震动对于此类结构体系的地震弹塑性反应的必要性。 关键词:滞回模型;弹塑性; ABAQUS;UMAT;VUMAT 中图分类号:P315.9;U442 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Abstract:Firstly, the 3D finite element model of a large-span transmission tower lines system with main tower height of 375m and main span of 2756m is established using software SAP2000, and is transformed to ABAQUS finite element model using the developed program SAP2ABAQUS addressed in the literature [1]. Then, the approach for using long-period dynamic loading method to achieve the static effect of gravity action is given explicitly and explained. By the approach, shape finding of cable and its initial stiffness are realized, which further make sure that the explicit dynamic analysis case can be performed subsequently after the gravity analysis case using software ABAQUS. Besides, the dynamic characters of four types of model with different boundary conditions are analyzed and compared, and the consistency between the SAP and ABAQUS finite model is analyzed to verify the transformation accuracy through program SAP2ABAQUS. Further, the program MEMS_b V2012.5 is updated to MEMS_b V2013.5 and the multi-point earthquake motions of target field are simulated. At last, the developed subroutine given in the literature [2] is used to analyze the elasto-plastic and collapse analysis of tower-lines system, considering geometric large deformation and multi-point earthquake motions. From the actual engineering analysis results, it can be shown that (1) the developed visual program SAP2ABAQUS is further verified to be have reliable accuracy and high efficiency transformation. (2) the developed subroutine is feasible and can be applied to analyze actual engineering. (3) the long-period dynamic loading method adopted in this paper is reasonable and feasible, and overcome the difficulty that the explicit dynamic analysis case can not be performed subsequently after the implicit gravity analysis case using software ABAQUS (4) From modal analysis and theory viewpoint, it shows the necessity and reliability of selecting four tower three lines system as analysis object. (5) he multi-point earthquake motions effect on the plastic hinges occurrence location, time and distribution of frame is not negligible. So, it is very necessary for researchers to consider the multi-point earthquake motions as input while analyzing the elasto-plastic responses of the similar structural system. Key words:transmission-tower lines system; SAP2000; SAP2ABAQUS; shape finding of cable; multi-point earthquake motion; elasto-plasticity; collapse ![]() 引言
本文具体内容包括:(1)采用文献[1]中SAP2ABAQUS对该工程进行模型转化,对转化前后模型中的构件细节与模态结果进行对比,旨在进一步从实际工程层面检验SAP2ABAQUS接口程序的转化精度。(2)采用文献[2]中子程序并链接到ABAQUS主程序计算结构体系的反应,旨在为工程实际提供有效依据,并从工程实际层面进一步检验所开发子程序的现实可靠性。(3)给出采用长周期动力加载法实现静力重力加载过程,理论严格合理、现实可行,克服了General/static的重力加载方式与Explicit/dynamic分析工况不续接问题。(4)从模态与结构反应两方面考察边界条件对结构体系动力特性尤其是对结构体系薄弱环节和倒塌模式的影响,旨在根据计算结果分析并得到可用于指导工程的意义性建议。(5) 对比分析地震动输入模式(一致与多点激励)对结构反应,尤其是对结构体系薄弱环节、影响区域以及随后倒塌的影响,进而强调多点地震动输入对于此类结构体系倒塌模式影响的敏感性。
(1)从实际工程角度,验证了所开发接口程序SAP2ABAQUS的转化准确性与高效性。 (2)从实际工程角度,验证了所开发子程序的可行性与现实性。 (3)明确给出、阐述并验证了长周期的Explicit/dynamic法实现Standard/static加载的静力效果,该途径理论合理、现实易行,本质可完全避免Standard/static与后续Explicit/dynamic动力分析不续接的现实问题。 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (4)薄弱环节均出现在塔腿部分,对输入模式与加速度峰值不敏感,建议给予足够重视;薄弱环节倒塌破坏的方向和程度对受多点输入影响很敏感,不容忽视;塔头和塔腰均未出现明显的局部破坏现象而是作为整体随塔腿共同坍塌;地震激励下结构体系的强弱分区明显,这与地震能量尽量均匀分布于结构体系的原则不相符合,进而建议考虑结构体系在超大震作用下的结构形式选则问题。 参考文献(References): [1] 柳国环,练继建,国巍.结构动力弹塑性与倒塌分析(II):SAP2ABAQUS接口的技术、开发与验证[J]. Elasto-plasticity and collapse analysis for large-span and high structure (II):Technology、development and verification of program SAP2ABAQUS[J]. [2] 柳国环,练继建,国巍.结构动力弹塑性和倒塌分析(I):滞回关系改进、ABAQUS子程序开发与验证[J]. Elasto-plasticity analysis for large-span and high structure (II): Hysteresis relationship Improvement, ABAQUSsubroutine development and Verification[J]. (Under review) [3] 中华人民共和国电力工业部.《电力设施抗震设计规范》(GB50260-96)[S]. 中国计划出版社,1996. Ministry of China Electrical Industry, Code for Seismic Design of Electrical Facilities(GB 50260-96). Beijing, China Plan Press 1996. [4] 田利,李宏男. 基于《电力设施抗震设计规范》的地震动随机模型参数研究[J]. 防灾减灾工程学报,2010,30(1):18-22 Tian Li, Li Hongnan. Parameter study on seismic random model based on code for design of seismic of electrical installation[J].Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, 2010,30(1):18-22 [5] Hao H, Oliveria, C S, Penzien. Multiple-station ground motion processing and simulation based on SMART-1 array data.'Nuclear Enginering and Design., 111(3), 293–310 [6] 吴遮赛,陈辉国. 地震动的空间变化特性分析与修正相干模型[J].振动与冲击,2013,32(2):164-170. Li Yingmin, Wu Zhesai, Chen Huiguo. Analysis and modeling for characteristics of spatially varying ground motion[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock. [7] Harichandran R S, Vanmarcke EH. Stochastic Variation of Earthquake Ground Motion in Space and Time[J]. Jounal of Engineering Mechanics. 1986,112:154-174 [8] 柳国环,陆新征,国巍,李敏,孙雪艳,吕伟荣,全伟.考虑地震动多点激励与材料应变率效应的主跨300米级独塔斜拉桥弹塑性分析[J].计算力学学报 Liu Guohuan, Lu XinZheng, Li Min, Guo Wei, Sun Xueyan, Lv Weiyong, Quan Wei. Study of Steel Strain-rate Effect on Elasto-plasticity and Collapse of 300m Span Cable- stayed Bridge under Multiple Earthquake Motions. [9] 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部.《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011-2010)[S]. 中国建筑工业出版社,2010. Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China. GB 50011-2010 Code for seismic design of buildings [S]. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2010. (in Chinese) |
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