功率谱参数的误差源及其对多点地震动和大跨桥梁结构反应的敏感性分析作者: 柳国环,练继建,刘卓,田利,国巍 |
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摘要:大跨结构承受地震差动(多点地震动)的研究涉及到三个步骤:(1)通过规范反应谱求解地震动目标频谱(目标功率谱);(2)采用目标功率谱模拟时域内多点地震动信号;(3)将多点地震动作为输入计算大跨结构的多点地震反应。首先,回顾通过规范反应谱求解地震动目标频谱参数的两种方法:直接转化法和逐步积分法;然后,开发求解频谱参数的可视化程序TJU.SPSP,并计算给出具体参数,由此指出求解方法不同而导致参数间误差的根本来源;其次,更新了多点地震动模拟程序MEMS_b至新版本,总结了地震动能量与场地类型、功率谱模型之间的关系,验证了直接法和积分法对幅值和主频带宽影响的不容忽视性,进而强调了功率谱模型中描述低频分量参数的重要性且不应忽略。同时,澄清了功率谱模型中阻尼比及二层过滤阻尼比的物理和数学意义,以区别于以往的普遍认识。最后,以一实际桥梁工程为例,从结构的地震反应角度进一步验证了上述理论分析的正确性。关键词:大跨结构;多点地震动;反应谱;功率谱;低频分量;桥梁 中图分类号:P315.9;U442 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Abstract: Three aspects are generally involved in the research about the seismic responses of long-span structure under multi-point ground motions: (1) obtaining the target power spectrum density (PSD) fitting to code response spectrum (CRS). (2) simulating the multi-point ground motions using the obtained target PSD. (3) computing the seismic response of long-span structure under the simulated multi-point ground motions histories. In this paper, two methods that are respectively direct and integral method and usually used to solve the parameters in target PSD model according to CRS are firstly reviewed. Then, developing a visualization program named TJU.SPSP, the main functions of TJU.SPSP include the calculation the parameters of PSD and list the parameter values in fixed format. According to the results, the fundamental error source and difference between the different methods can be analyzed obviously. Moreover, the program for multi-point earthquake motions simualtion (MEMS) is updated and the relation between earthquake-induced ground motion energy and site soil type are summarized. While, it indicate that the two methods have significant influence on the amplitude and band width of dominant frequency. So, it further pointed out that the parameters describing the low-frequency component in PSD models are important and can’t be ignored .Furthermore, the physical and mathematical significance of damping ratio in PSD models are clarified, which are different from original viewpoints. At last, to further verify the validity of the theoretical analysis above, the seismic responses of a long-span bridge as numerical example are analyzed. Keywords: long-span structure; multi-point ground motion; response spectrum; power spectrum; low-frequency component; bridge 引言
在进行有关地震动的设计或研究工作时,应先根据相关规范进行反应谱与功率谱之间的转换。转换方法主要包括直接转化法和逐步积分法。直接转化法是在随机理论及结构动力学理论的基础之上,进行适当的近似处理,依此建立了反应谱与规范谱之间的显式公式,应用起来十分方便;而逐步积分法则严格依据理论,并结合迭代方法反复试算,所得结果更为精确。虽然直接转化法应用简单,但有必要对其结果进行检核以满足工程的要求。 本文首先回顾通过规范反应谱求解地震动目标频谱参数的直接转化法和逐步积分法;然后,开发求解频谱参数的可视化程序TJU.SPSP,并计算给出具体参数,指出求解方法不同而导致参数间误差的根本来源;进而,更新MEMS_b至新版本,明确了地震动能量与场地类型、功率谱模型之间的关系,进行直接法和积分法对幅值和主频带宽影响的不容忽视性验证,强调了低频分量参数的重要性;此外,重新对功率谱模型中阻尼比及二层过滤阻尼比的物理和数学意义加以澄清,以区别以往的普遍认识;最后,以一实际桥梁工程为例进行进一步验证。本文研究内容兼有理论和实用意义,可直接为研究和工程应用提供参考。 结论 本文集中研究了三种地震动功率谱模型,研究应用直接法和积分法所导致的目标功率谱参数的误差,及其这些参数对多点地震动时域信号和大跨结构地震反应的敏感性影响,总结如下:
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