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作者: 国巍, 李宏男, 柳国环



第27卷第3期《计算力学学报》Vol. 2 7, No . 3
2010 年6 月

中图分类号:TU318    文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-4708(2010)03-0476-06

Abstract:Based on the code for seismic design of building in China, primary systems usually yield before secondary systems.destruction under the severe earthquake loading in practice, so the non-linearization characteristic of primary systems usually plays an important role in the dynamic analysis for primary-sec-ondary systems. Owing to this reason, the dynamic response expressions of primary-secondary systems are studied and proposed in this paper, which are based on the theory of random vibration and the equiv- alent linearization method. Then, the response expressions are used for explain the effect of nonlinearity of primary system on the response of secondary systems, while the response variance is adopted as the a-nalysis index. In the numerical analysis, two simple and generic structures, which is 3-degree of freedom and 10 degree of freedom respectively, are used to study the response properties. Moreover, the optimal position of secondary systems represented by the minimum response variance, and the interaction between multiple secondary systems are also calculated and analyzed. In the end, some valuable conclu-sions are studied.
Key words:primary system; non-linearization; equivalent linearization; secondary system; optimal position



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