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作者: 柳国环,李宏男,陆新征



第34卷第5 期《土木建筑与环境工程》Vol.34 No.5
2012 年10 月

摘要:发展了一种适用于体元模拟联间轴向正面碰撞效应的束缚面型碰撞单元(Constraint-surface Impact Element,CIE);基于柔度法给出了不同以往文献中碰撞单元刚度的计算取值,该取值不仅理论合理且在物理角度可解释其合理性。将该方法应用于广州潮汕机场航站楼高架桥的震致碰撞分析。箱梁采用壳单元模拟,伸缩缝位置设有CIE,桥墩与箱梁间设置隔震单元模拟铅芯橡胶隔振支座(Lead-rubber Bearing,LRB),采用通过试验得到的双线性刚度模型模拟其物理行为。采用非线性直接积分法进行时程分析,主要考察联间的碰撞力、LRB滞回耗能、LRB位移量、基底弯矩、剪力以及碰撞力分别对这些因素的影响。
中图分类号:P315.0; U443.31    文献标识码:A     文章编号:1674-4764(2012)05-0017-08

Abstract:A nonlinear constraint-surface impact element(CIE)was developed for simulating the pounding in axial direction between 3Dshell-element-mesh bridge girders based on the engineering background ofChaoShan airport.Then,a method,different from the previous literatures,for calculating the stiffness ofimpact element was proposed based on the flexibility method.The methods proposed were adopted andused to analyze the elevated bridge of ChaoShan airport in GuangZhou for the purpose of investigating comprehensively the earthquake-resistance capability.The bridge girders were modeled by shell elementsand CIEs were assigned to the positions of the corresponding expansion joints.Isolating elements were usedto simulate LRBs,and typical bilinear LRB hysteresis stiffness model obtained from experiment wereadopted to describe the dynamic hysteresis behavior.Pounding forces,dissipation capability of LRBs,lateral displacements of LRBs,pier base shear forces and moments as well as the pounding effect on thesecases were investigated,respectively.The proposed methods and analysis results aim atimproving theearthquake resistance of the elevated bridge,which provides reference for the similar project.
Key words:bridges;earthquakes;pounding;constraint-surface impact element;bearing

新建潮汕机场航站楼高架桥全长约940m,其中752m的桥梁结构由曲率不同共9联C50混凝土箱型梁组成,相邻两联桥梁结构交接处和桥台位置设置一道BEJ型浅埋式伸缩缝;工程位于8度地震区,以该工程为背景,考虑设置铅芯橡胶支座(Leader Rubber Bearing,LRB)。采用SAP2000建立全桥空间有限元模型,由25 294个壳单元、140梁单元以及56个接触非线性单元组成。文献[3]在桥梁空间非线性碰撞方面作了重要的推进性工作,但是将其方法通过大型有限元程序实现并应用于实际桥梁工程目前还存在较大困难。
为了便于工程应用,首先发展了一种可适用于体元(例如:壳单元和实体单元)模拟联间碰撞效应的束缚面型碰撞单元(Constraint-surface Impact


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