1. |
柳国环 . 格构式输电塔及输电塔—线体系风振响应研究[D].博士论文, 顺风+横风作用机理,理论研究+风洞试验  |
2. |
柳国环,陈欣宇,李鑫洋. 半覆水相变V形峡谷场地P波激励下散射频域理论解、验证及特征[J].计算力学学报, 2023,4(12):1-10  |
3. |
陈欣宇,柳国环,费琦翔. 覆水峡谷-丘陵复合地貌的地震差动相干函数模型及规律特征与影响[J].应用力学学报, 2023,3(10):1-10  |
4. |
柳国环,陈欣宇,费琦翔. 覆水效应的地下相干函数与相变V形峡谷多点地震动模拟及其特征规律[J].振动工程学报, 2023,3(10):1-10  |
5. |
李鑫洋,柳国环,费琦翔. 考虑半覆水圆弧相变场地特征的地下多点地震动模拟方法与程序开发[J].计算力学学报, 2023,38(2):206-214  |
6. |
徐严钢,朱海涛,柳国环,刘治国. 基于state-space-split法的滞回非线性系统随机动力响应分析[J].计算力学学报, 2021,38(01):1-7 |
7. |
柳国环,黄伟纬,李鑫洋. 覆水饱和双相介质圆弧场地P波激励下散射问题的理论解[J].计算力学学报, 2021,38(2):206-214 |
8. |
柳国环,江大来,李鑫洋,刘中宪. 分层圆弧峡谷SV波地震差动模拟理论与桥梁破坏模式[J].中国公路学报, 2021,34(11):129-141 |
9. |
柳国环,冯啸. 跨越层状V形峡谷的大跨桥梁抗震分析(II):桥梁的峡谷效应多点地震倒塌模式[J].中国公路学报, 2019,32(8):1-13 |
10. |
柳国环,马杰,冯啸. 多水平成层的非均匀介质圆弧形峡谷地下多点地震动模拟[J].计算力学学报, 2018(8):1-10 |
11. |
柳国环,冯啸. 跨越层状V形峡谷的大跨桥梁抗震分析(I):多层非均匀介质V形场地多点地震动模拟及程序开发[J].中国公路学报, 2017,30(12):150-158 |
12. |
柳国环,练继建,等 . 地震差动下考虑边界-地基作用的大跨斜拉桥弹塑性分析与破坏特征[J].土木工程与管理学报, 2016,33(1):44-53 |
13. |
柳国环,刘伟,赵大海,李钢. 超高层建筑的ABAQUS快速建模、验证及动力弹塑性抗震分析[J].计算力学学报, 2016,33(2):1-7 |
14. |
赵大海,沈鹏娟,柳国环. 多点地震下大跨展览馆弹塑性及倒塌分析[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2016,(6):56-62 |
15. |
柳国环,练继建,王鸿振,于通顺. 水动质量实效施加方法及地基-筒型基础-塔筒体系的地震敏感性研究[J].岩土力学, 2016,37(3):767-775 |
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柳国环,练继建,于通顺. 地震与波浪共同作用下近海风电结构相应及倒塌模式[J].应用基础与工程科学学报, 2016,24(1):71-80 |
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柳国环,练继建,刘卓,田利,国巍. 功率谱参数的误差源及其对多点地震动和大跨桥梁结构反应的敏感性分析[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2015,47(6):124-128 |
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于通顺,练继建,柳国环,董霄峰. 人工边界-地基-基础-塔筒(近海风力发电结构)风致响应分析[J].应用基础与工程科学学报, 2014,(5):976-987 |
19. |
柳国环,练继建,于通顺. 粘弹边界-地基-复合基础-塔筒(近海风力发电结构)地震响应与破坏模式研究[J].岩土力学, 2014,35(9):2651-2658 |
20. |
柳国环,练继建,等. 底部单元为非经典阻尼的位移输入模型和多点反应谱注记[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2014,46(6):79-85 |
21. |
柳国环,练继建,等. 多点地震动和波浪力激励下海床-桩-墩-桥的地震弹塑性:原理、方法、程序与智能建模[J].工程力学, 2015,32(6):133-140.  |
22. |
柳国环,练继建,国巍,耿辰,田利. 地震多点反应谱模型存在缺陷的改进与验证[J].振动、测试与诊断, 2015,35(1):1-7 |
23. |
柳国环,练继建,国巍,耿辰. 地震多点输入模型中影响矩阵R的意义与注记[J].振动、测试与诊断, 2014,34(6):1008-1083 |
24. |
柳国环,练继建,国巍. 地震弹塑性(I):TJU.Plastic-ABA子程序开发与验证[J].地震研究学报, 2014,37(1):123-131 |
25. |
柳国环,练继建,国巍. 地震弹塑性(II):TJU.SAP2ABAQUS接口技术、程序开发与验证[J].地震研究学报, 2014,37(1):132-140 |
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柳国环,练继建,孙雪艳,国巍. 地震弹塑性(III):多点地震动作用下输电塔-线体系的弹塑性与倒塌分析[J].地震研究学报, 2014,37(1):141-150 |
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柳国环,陆新征,李敏. 大跨、高层结构动力弹塑性和倒塌分析(I): 原理、MSC.MARC子程序开发与验证[J].建筑结构学报, 2014,44(4):82-87 |
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柳国环,陆新征. 大跨、高层结构动力弹塑性和倒塌分析(II): 纤维程序的UMAT原理、开发及其验证[J].建筑结构学报, 2014.44(4):88-93 |
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柳国环,陆新征,于秀雷,孙雪艳,熊耀清. 大跨、高层结构动力弹塑性和倒塌(III):SAP2MARC和MARCPOST开发与应用[J].建筑结构学报, 2014,44(4):94-101 |
30. |
柳国环,陆新征,国巍,孙雪艳,吕伟荣,全伟. 主跨300米级独塔斜拉桥考虑地震动多点激励与材料应变率效应的弹塑性分析[J]. 计算力学学报, 2014,31(4):488-494 |
31. |
国巍, 余志武,柳国环, 邬亮. 单点和多点荷载输入的虚拟激励法实用求解模式[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2013, 34(7):11-19 |
32. |
国巍, 余志武, 柳国环, 田利. 大跨隔震结构多点地震计算模型的几点注记[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2013,45(10):683-689 |
33. |
柳国环,陆新征,国巍. 基于震源机制且考虑场地土分层差异效应的多点地震动:理论与程序开发[J]. 计算力学学报, 2012, 29(4): 582-588 |
34. |
陆新征,张万开,柳国环. 基于推覆分析的RC框架地震倒塌易损性预测[J]. 地震工程与工程振动, 2012,32(4):1-6 |
35. |
柳国环,李宏男,陆新征. LRB曲线桥震致碰撞效应的非线性分析方法[J]. 土木建筑与环境工程学报, 2012, 34(5): 17-24 |
36. |
柳国环,陆新征. 基岩地震谱与地震动位移输入的土–结构相互作用(SSI)计算模型改进[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2011,30(5): 884-892 |
37. |
柳国环,李宏男,国巍. TLD-结构体系转化为TMD-结构体系的减振计算方法[J]. 工程力学, 2011, 28(5): 31-34 |
38. |
柳国环,李宏男,国巍,田利. 求解结构地震响应位移输入模型中存在问题的一种新解决方法[J]. 工程力学, 2010,27(9): 55-62.  |
39. |
国巍, 李宏男, 柳国环. 非线性建筑物上的附属结构响应分析[J]. 计算力学学报, 2010, 27(3): 476-481 |
40. |
柳国环,李宏男,国巍. 求解结构地震响应位移输入模型存在的问题及AMCE对策[J].计算力学学报, 2009,26(6):862–869.  |
41. |
柳国环, 李宏男, 田利. 九江长江大桥在多点多维地震激励下的反应分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2009, 28(9): 204-209 |
42. |
柳国环,李宏男,林海. 结构地震响应计算模型的比较与分析[J]. 工程力学, 2009, 26(2):10-15  |
43. |
国巍,李宏男,柳国环. 共享调谐质量阻尼器(STMD)在附属结构减震中的应用[J]. 工程力学, 2009, 26(5):202-208 |
44. |
柳国环, 李宏男. 格构塔架顺风位移响应实用计算模型与求解内力位移加载法[J]. 振动工程学报, 2009, 22(1): 1-5 |
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柳国环, 李宏男. 格构塔架的实用高阶广义荷载谱模型与共振分量表达式改进[J]. 土木工程学报, 2009, 42(1): 53-57 |
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柳国环,李宏男. 高压输电塔–线体系风致动力响应分析与优化控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2008, 28(19): 131-137  |
47. |
Liu-Guohuan,Fei Qixiang . A new equivalent acceleration-based non-uniform response spectrum method for efficient seismic SSI analysis[J].Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023,(108356):1-16  |
48. |
Liu-Guohuan,Xin yang Li. Theoretical Solutions for Variable Ground Motions of Media-Transition Canyons with Partly Filled Water Subjected to SV-Waves Incidence[J].Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2023,17(3):2350009  |
49. |
Liu-Guohuanu,Guangrui Feng. Variable seismic motions of P-wave scattering by a layered V-shaped canyon of the second stratiffcation type[J].Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021,144(106642)  |
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Liu-Guohuan,Da-lai Jiang. Layer-effect on variable seismic ground motions of SV-wave scattered by a double-stratified circular-arc crossing by layer-interface[J].Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020,129,volume(c):1:28(10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.105919)  |
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Liu-Guohuan,Yaqiang Liu,Xiao Feng,Dongsheng Wang. Simulation of spatially variable seismic underground motions in saturated double-phase media with overlying water excited by SV-wave and difference from P-wave incidence[J].Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019,123:144-161  |
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Liu-Guohuan,Haitao Yu,Yaqiang Liu,Jijian Lian. An approach for predicting multi-support seismic underground motions in layered saturated soil under surface water[J].Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018,115:104-118  |
53. |
Liu-Guohuan, Feng xiao, Lian jijian. Simulation of spatially variable seismic underground motions in U-shaped Canyon[J].Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2019,23(3):463-486 |
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Liu-Guohuan,Jijian Lian,Chao Liang,Mi Zhao. An effective approach for simulating multi-support earthquake underground motions[J].Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2017,15(11):4635–4659  |
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Liu-Guohuan,Lian-Jj ,Liang-Chao ,et al. An efficient approach for seismic analysis of multi-support structures equipped with coupled dampers using spectral moments instead of cross-correlation coefficients[J].Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2017,21(5):701-725 |
56. |
You Zhiguo,Ding Yiningb Liu-Guohuan,Chen Haibin. Shear behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced SCC T-beams[J].Construction and Building Materials(CBM), 2017,69(18):919-938 |
57. |
Zhiguo,Ding Yining,Liu-Guohuan,Zhou Yulon. Experimental study on the shear behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced SCC rectangular beams with/without stirrups[J].Construction and Building Materials(CBM), 2016 |
58. |
Liu-Guohuan,Lian-Jj ,Liang-Chao. Frequency-domain probabilistic solution for MDOF nonlinear system under multi-support seismic excitations[J].Earthquakes and Structures(under review), 2017 |
59. |
Liu-Guohuan,Lian JJ,Zhuo Liu,Jiang Qing, Zhao Dahai. Vibration reduction analysis of power plant under flood—induced seismic motions combined with generator-induced excitations using a non-conventional TMD deviceconcept, theoretical and numerical analy[J].Journal of Earthquake and Engineering , 2016 |
60. |
Liu-Guohuan,C Liang. An improved complex multiple-support response spectrum method for the nonclassically damped linear system with non-classical damping[J].Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2016 |
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Liu-Guohuan,Jj Lian,C Liang ,et al. Completeness verification of complexresponse spectrum method for underdamped and overdamped systems regarding thede coupled damping as mathematical parameter without physical meaning[J].Journal of Earthquake Engineering , 2016,4(4):1-22  |
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Liu-Guohuan,Jijian Liang, Chao Lian, Mi Zhao. Structural Response Analysis in Time and Frequency Domain Considering both Ductility and Strain Rate Effects under Uniform andMultiple-support Earthquake Excitations[J].Earthquake and Structures, 2016,10(15):989-1012 |
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Liu-Guohuan , Jj L, C L, G L, Jj H. An improved complex multiple-support response spectrum method for the nonclassically damped linear system with coupled damping[J].Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 14(1): 161-184 |
64. |
Liu-Guohuan, GUO Wei, LI HongNan. An effective and practical method for solving an unnegligible problem inherent in the current calculation model for multi-support seismic analysis of structures[J]. Science in China, 2010, 53(7): 1774–1784 |
65. |
Liu-Guohuan, Li Hongnan. A new framework for evaluating along-wind responses of a transmission tower[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2009, 8(1):87-93 |
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Wei Guo, Zhi-wu Yu,Liu-Guohuan, Zhen Guo. Possible existing seismic analysis errors of long span structures and bridges while utilizing multi-point earthquake calculation models[J]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2013,8(6):1-28 |
67. |
Tian Li, LI HongNan, Liu-Guohuan. Seismic Response Of Power Transmission Tower-Line System Under Multi-Component Multi-Support Excitations[J]. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2012, 6(4):1-25 |
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Wei Guo, Hong-Nan Li, Liu-Guohuan, Zhi-Wu Yu. A Simplified Optimization Strategy For Nonlinear Tuned Mass Damper In Structural Vibration Control[J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2012, 14(4):1059–1069 |
69. |
Guo Wei, Li Hongnan, Liu-Guohuan. A fast stochastic analysis method for soil-structure interaction system[J]. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 14(4): 1-18 |
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Wang wenming,Li Hongnan,Liu-Guohuan,Tian Li. Strain rate effect on transmission tower-line system under earthquake action[C],Advanced Material Research, ,2011,Vols(243-249):5845-5848 |
71. |
Li Tian, Hongnan Li, Liu-Guohuan. Seismic Response of Power Transmission Tower-Line System Subjected to Spatially Varying Ground Motions[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2010, Article ID 587317 |
72. |
Guo Wei, Li Hongnan, Liu-Guohuan. A new analytical method for stochastic response of structure-damper system[J]. Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 2009, 9: 10-15. |
73. |
Liu-Guohuan, Li Hong-Nan, Wang Yang. A practical calculating model including multi-mode contributions for along-wind responses of lattice towers[C]. 2008 International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, 2008: 289-293 |
74. |
Guo Wei,Li Hongnan, Liu-Guohuan. Optimal position analysis of secondary systems in yielding structures[C]. The Second International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering, Dalian, China., 2008 ; 1-8 |